Diversity, equality and inclusion (DEI) is at the heart of our business...
… and is quite rightly it is at the forefront of all organisations’, no matter their size. We know that action and strategy need to extend far beyond hiring diverse teams. We can advise and assist ensure DEI penetrates every area of your business including both policies and culture that are not only academic, but will affect your people in practice.
Effective DEI policies affect the lives of people from all walks of life, and create stronger cultures and broader empathy in workplaces across the country and can help you better meet the needs of diverse customers. We are committed to changing perceptions within the recruitment business.
True DEI is far reaching, and has a very real impact
True DEI is far reaching, and has a very real impact
Effective DEI policies affect the lives of people from all walks of life, and create stronger cultures and broader empathy in workplaces across the country and can help you better meet the needs of diverse customers. We are committed to changing perceptions within the recruitment business.
Recruitment processes are often littered with barriers..
In order for our workplaces to be truly equitable and inclusive, recruiters and employers alike first need to assess if attraction, recruitment and retention processes are appropriate for all.
Barriers are very real for candidates from diverse backgrounds, parents/carers or for neurodiverse candidates.
If left unaddressed, we all loose out; individuals miss out on opportunities, and businesses restrict their pool of candidates, by potentially screening out high performing individual based on bias.
They employed four team members with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to work in software development, engineering, and business analysis. It was discovered that the neurodiverse team members were 48% more efficient and up to 92% more productive than their neurotypical colleagues.
In 2015, JPMorgan Chase launched the Autism at Work initiative
In 2015, JPMorgan Chase launched the Autism at Work initiative
They employed four team members with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to work in software development, engineering, and business analysis. It was discovered that the neurodiverse team members were 48% more efficient and up to 92% more productive than their neurotypical colleagues.
We can offer audit of your recruitment and onboarding processes
We’ll help identify what you are doing right, and where improvements can be made. In truth, often there is a disparity between what an organisation believes they are providing for their employees, and the true experience for the staff on the ground, having an impartial party access the reality is key to delivering a clear roadmap to ensuring your policies and culture are providing a roadmap to overcome your DEI challenges.
Talk to our Team
Speak to us today to find out how we can help with improving or implementing your DEI strategies & policies.